Book Trailer Script & Outline for Hell's Play

Explanation of what a book trailer is and the process I've went through to create this to it's current stage.

Danny Dickerson

5/8/20232 min read

Hey everyone!

I'm excited to share that I'm currently in the process of creating a book trailer for my horror novel "Hell's Play!" It's been a thrilling experience so far, and I wanted to give you a sneak peek into the process of creating the script and outline for the trailer.

What is a Book Trailer?

A book trailer is a short video advertisement that promotes a book and its author. It is a relatively new marketing tool that has gained popularity in recent years. A book trailer is typically one to two minutes long and includes images, music, and text. The goal of a book trailer is to capture the attention of potential readers and generate interest in the book.

One example of a book trailer is the trailer for the novel "The Girl on the Train" by Paula Hawkins. The trailer begins with a train rushing by and then cuts to a woman looking out of a train window. The text on the screen reads, "She sees what no one else can see." The trailer then shows images of the main character, Rachel, who is an alcoholic and struggling to cope with her divorce. The music is eerie and suspenseful, setting the tone for the psychological thriller that the book is.

The trailer also includes quotes from reviewers who have praised the book, such as "Gripping, enthralling - a top-notch thriller" and "You'll be engrossed in this addictive page-turner." The trailer ends with the book cover and information on where to purchase the book.

The book trailer for "The Girl on the Train" is effective because it captures the essence of the book and creates a sense of suspense and intrigue. It also includes quotes from reviewers, which gives the trailer credibility and encourages potential readers to pick up the book. Overall, a book trailer can be a powerful tool in promoting a book and generating interest in the author's work.

First off, I knew that the script for the trailer had to be engaging and attention-grabbing. It needed to give the audience a taste of what my novel "Hell's Play" is about and leave them wanting more. So, I started by brainstorming all the key elements that I wanted to highlight in the trailer.

Next, I focused on creating a compelling storyline that would showcase these key elements. I wanted the trailer to be witty and striking. This helped me to structure the script and make sure that it flowed seamlessly. Once I had a solid script in place, I moved on to creating the outline for the trailer. This involved deciding on the visuals that would accompany each part of the script, as well as the music and sound effects that would enhance the overall experience.

It will have face-morphing effects and a burning theater in the background. With myself, the use of several actors, the tragedy mask from the cover of "Hell's Play," and CGI ZipperFace Productions will create a series of videos that'll be straight outta Hollywood!

Creating the script and outline for the book trailer has been a challenging but rewarding process. It's been amazing to see my vision come to life, and I can't wait to share the final product with you all.

Stay tuned for more updates on the book trailer and my horror novel. Thanks for following along with me on this journey!